The ALLIES project aims at supporting micro and small HSPs in achieving compliance with the new requirements and obligations under the TCO Regulation. To achieve this, ALLIES adopts four main approaches, each of which targeting skill development and innovation. These four pillars will be respectively focused on (1) learning and awareness raising, (2) technical development and adaptation, (3) training and education, and (4) experience sharing and reporting mechanisms. Both the learning and awareness-raising initiatives will further expand the capacity of TCO Regulation by designing a taxonomy of online terrorist-related behaviors. The second pillar will be focused on the development of a specific set of AI-boosted user-friendly tools that will enhance small HSPs capabilities on more accurately recognizing and removing suspicious content. The training and education aspects focus will not only rest on the TCO Regulation content but also on familiarisation activities with the developed tools. The fourth approach aims at creating a safe online environment where end users anonymously share their experiences as well as useful data in addition to a risk assessment module and unified reporting form for terrorist-related content and behaviour. Complementing and cooperating with each other, these four pillars will not only support HSPs, but will also contribute to the fulfilment of the TCO Regulation objectives.

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