CounteR Attended DG HOME’s Annual CERIS Event in Brussels

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On 14-15 December 2023, the CounteR project, represented by EI, participated in the annual event of CERIS – the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security.

The CERIS conference, entitled “Fighting Crime and Terrorism/Resilient Infrastructure”, was organized by the European Commission’s DG Home Affairs with the objective to bring together security research practitioners, policy makers, researchers, civil society and industry to discuss cross-cutting topics that have a broad and horizontal impact on research and innovation in this domain.

The first day was dedicated to the access to domain-specific research data. Speakers noted that, from the perspective of the security domain, open source datasets are not always representative and difficult to operate with due to GDPR-related restrictions. Anonymized datasets are not always helpful due to broken links between different pieces of evidence, while pseudo-anonymization is time-consuming and resource-intensive.

During the second day of the CERIS conference, CSOs shared their experiences with participating in consortia implementing security research projects. They noted several common challenges, including effective management of the project frameworks over long-term periods and the slow exchange of information with law enforcement agencies, since LEAs do not share much information with the civic sector.

Among the participants and panellists were the European Forum for Urban Security, the European Citizen Action Service, Fondazione Safe, Public Safety Communication Europe, and others, including projects and consortia funded through Horizon Europe and the Internal Security Fund.

“The CERIS event was a great opportunity to meet with colleagues from across the research and security ecosystem. A key takeaway that emerged from the event is that CSOs should serve as a bridge between academics, citizens and LEAs”, Apostol Apostolov from EI, representing the CounteR consortium, commented.

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