CounteR will Hold its Second General Meeting in Milan

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UCSC will host CounteR Project’s second general meeting on June 28-30 in Milan.
The consortium partners will gather to review the project’s status, as well as the implementation of the current and upcoming tasks and milestones.
The goal of our H2020-funded project is to launch the CounteR solution: a platform that will provide law enforcement agencies (LEAs), Internet providers, and social media platforms with an early-warning tool to be used in the detection of radical content online for preventing the spread of radicalisation.
On Day One of the meeting in Milan, UCSC will provide an overview of the tasks, related to radicalisation taxonomy and ontology. Next, the tasks under the work packages on data acquisition, analytics, and modelling will be presented. CINIwill brief the consortium about the improvements made to the data collectors. INRIAIMG and ELTE will focus on NLP analysis, transfer learning and social network analysis. The presentations will also be dedicated on how LEAs can use the CounteR system and on software testing and deployment.
The second day will feature ETI and MITLA on data anonymization, ethics, and social impact assessment. Next, INS and NOVA will brief the consortium about the system’s field demonstrations and user validation. EI and MITLA will then talk about IPR management and business exploitation. The meeting will continue with breakout sessions for partners to be able to conduct in-depth planning and coordination for the project’s next steps of implementation.
On Day Three, INS and AST will conduct a presentation and demonstration of CounteR’s software tool, its features and capabilities. Next, NOVA and AST will hold hands-on exercises and guided practice sessions for participants to become familiar with CounteR platform’s functionalities. The partners will then be able to perform testing of the software tool, using provided test cases.
CounteR’s previous general meeting was held in Paris in June 2022.

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