March 10 was the second and final day of the CounteR Project’s fourth technical meeting, which was held in Toulouse (France).
Work Package (WP) 9 – Dissemination, Ecosystem Development and Exploitation kick-started the second day’s work of the consortium partners. The EI representatives presented aspects, related to business exploitation and market development, as well as CounteR’s dissemination activities, which aim at engaging a variety of ecosystem stakeholders.
The EI representatives used the gathering as an opportunity for conducting short spot-on video interviews with distinct members of the consortium – these will be used for the project’s general promotion and will also serve as conversation-starters of CounteR’s upcoming LinkedIn Cluster Group discussions and online polls. In plenary, these discussions’ topics were discussed and fine-tuned along with CounteR’s communication strategy.
Next, MITLA drew the participants’ attention to IPR management and strategic IP protection, the social impact assessment, and the ethics briefing pack. This module, dedicated to WP7 – Data Privacy and Ethics Requirements, ended with a discussion on the recommendations for data anonymization and minimization.
Expectedly, the CounteR technical meeting’s pinnacle was about the end-user trainings, the field demonstrations, and the pilots – i.e. WP8. INS and NOVA led the module on learning and training materials, training sessions, system deployment, and field demonstrations with a focus on users’ feedback.
The afternoon session was dedicated to private meetings of end-users on NLP analysis and pilots planning.
CounteR’s fourth technical meeting was hosted by MDS. In case you’ve missed the first day’s overview, heck out our previous article here.