MDS Hosts CounteR’s Fourth Technical Meeting in Toulouse

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The Association Militants de Savoirs (MDS) gathered on 9-10 March 2023 partners from the CounteR’s consortium to the project’s fourth technical meeting in Toulouse, France.

The consortium representatives have joined the meeting in person or online and its main objective is to review progress achieved in the various work packages (WPs), as well as to plan ahead the next implementation steps.

The project coordinator, Catalin Trufin from AST, delivered opening remarks and welcomed the participants.

The demo of the current CounteR Flow and the system’s deployment specifications will be in the focus of the meeting’s first day (March 9). Partners from INRIACINIUCSC are reviewing the work performed on data acquisition, management, and analytics for detecting radical content; radicalization taxonomy and ontology; as well as data understanding and NLP analysis. The afternoon session is dedicated to semantic reasoning and network algorithms – with planned presentations and updates, which will be provided by ELTEINSIMGICON, and AST.

During the second day (March 10), EI as the leading partner on WP9 – Dissemination and Communication – will engage the participants in a conversation about project promotion, outreach to industry stakeholders and – together with MITLA – will hold a conversation on ethical requirements and data privacy, related to the project’s exploitation and commercialization phase.

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End-User Trainings and Pilots: In Focus of Day Two of CounteR’s Technical Meeting in France
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