Multilingual Auxiliary Tasks Training: Bridging the Gap between Languages for Zero-Shot Transfer of Hate Speech Detection Models

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Author Syrielle Montariol, Arij Riabi, Djamé Seddah
Title of Journal, Proc. or Book Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022
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Peer reviewed Yes
Open access Yes


Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning has been shown to be highly challenging for tasks involving a lot of linguistic specificities or when a cultural gap is present between languages, such as in hate speech detection. In this paper, we highlight this limitation for hate speech detection in several domains and languages using strict experimental settings. Then, we propose to train on multilingual auxiliary tasks – sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and tasks relying on syntactic information – to improve zero-shot transfer of hate speech detection models across languages. We show how hate speech detection models benefit from a cross-lingual knowledge proxy brought by auxiliary tasks fine-tuning and highlight these tasks’ positive impact on bridging the hate speech linguistic and cultural gap between languages.

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Tâches Auxiliaires Multilingues pour le Transfert de Modèles de Détection de Discours Haineux (Multilingual Auxiliary Tasks for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer of Hate Speech Detection)
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